Monday 2 October 2017

Daily Devotions 2nd Oct 2017

Roms 8: 34Jesus is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

This is the revelation that Paul had received that Jesus Christ himself is at the right hand of God and is interceding for us continually. This is indeed a great understanding and encouragement for us. We have the Son of God himself to intercede for us unceasingly.

On our own, we do not know how to pray effectively, often we seem to run out of words and thoughts but here we are assured that Jesus who knows all things is interceding for us according to the will of God. He is elping us in our weaknesses and presenting our needs to God. There is no better intercessor that we can rely on other than Jesus.

With this assurance in us, there is then no fear or intimidation when we pray, though our vocabulary may be limited, our understanding and ability of expression are also limited but Jesus know what is in our hearts and He intercedes according to what He sees our needs and He intercede according to the perfect will of God.

This is indeed our honour and privilege that we have now our Master and Saviour to intercede for our every need. Praise God that we have such a helper together with the Holy Spirit who is also interceding for us whnever we pray in the spirit.

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