Sunday 28 May 2017

Psalm 116: 15Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.

The psalmist reminds himself as well as his audience that when we live as faithful servants of the Lord, He will keep us close to His bosom and will care for our welfare. God is keeping an eye on us day and night. He knows who we are what we are doing for Him and He cares for our welfare.

The scriptures tell us that even the welfare of the sparrow which we may consider insignificant is important to God. The scriptures tell us that not one sparrow will fall to the ground without God knowing and caring for it. All things that move and live are concerns for God. He cares for the plants and trees, He cares for the creatures big and small.

Of course God cares for men and women the most as we are made in His image and He provides guidance and direction for us to find our way to His heavenly kingdom. For those of us who are dedicated and committed toward serving God faithfully all our lives, He recognizes us as His faithful servants and when any of these die and pass on to heaven God delights in this as it means that another of His faithful servant is returning home to be with Him.

I have ministered to many families during the demise of loved ones and I have conducted their funerals. It is at such times when we speak comforting and assuring words to the family members and quote this verse “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.’

This assurance means so much to the family and it is also a reminder for all of us that when we finish our work on this earth, we will be crossing over to the other side of heaven which is our destiny and future home. It is also this precious hope that we have that would keep us focused and continue on our upward journey as we press on in our service to God.

This is our eternal hope to receive the reward that has been set apart for us. Therefore as servants of God, let us press forward to do well and let us prepare our utmost to inherit our reward that is waiting for us.

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