Sunday 25 December 2016

Devotions for 25.12.2016

Leaders Section

John14: 27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
As we celebrate Christmas today, this is a time to reflect on Jesus who is also called the Prince of Peace which he displayed throughout His life. Peace is an attractive quality in a leader and people will support a leader who exhibits such qualities.

From Jesus we can see that Jesus demonstrated peace when everything around him was in chaos. His enemies were screaming for His blood, they whipped and tore his flesh from His body. Throughout the turmoil He remained in peace with the persecutors. He did not retaliate but was meek in accepting all the insults, punishment and trauma.

His followers were traumatized and went into hiding; they have lost their peace and were actually trembling in great fear. They were afraid for their lives as they see their leader dying on the cross. Throughout the whole process of the trial, persecution and crucifixion Jesus had His peace. He did not lose his temper but instead kept His peace till the end when He called to God to forgive the people for they did not know what they are doing.

Jesus is the Prince of peace and He said my peace I give to you. This peace is different from the peace of the world; it is the peace that surpasses all understanding of men. This peace is able to sustain us even when the whole world seems to collapse around us. We see this peace at work in the lives of the believer in the Middle East where the IS terrorists take the Christian captives and execute them by beheading. We can see that all of them had the peace of God and they too did not struggle nor did they cry as they went to their death. All of them knew that they were just passing on from this world to be with Jesus. We too must seek for this peace of Jesus in or lives.
Jesus came at the first Christmas to give us salvation and the peace of God.

Public Section

Luke 2: 10

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

The proclamation of JOY was brought by the angels on a cold night in the Judean desert over two thousand years ago. The angels declared to the shepherds in the open fields that on that night God had released great Joy to the World as the Lord has come. God had send the saviour of the world into the world not to condemn the world but to save the world.

The good news is that for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Saviour, He will grant them eternal life. This was the promise given to all men in the world. This is a free gift from God as the high price that was demanded was paid by God through His Son’s shed blood and His life on Calvary.

There was no other sacrifice that God would want to receive except that He provided for the perfect sacrifice, a pure and sinless man, Jesus, to die for the remission of the sin of the whole world.

This is what Christmas is all about, when Churches and Christian celebrate Christmas; they must remember the true mission of Jesus Christ. They must not turn to the deception that is in the world today. The deception from Satan is he has blinded the eyes of the world to Christ and he has promoted himself as Santa so that all the people, adults, children, organizations, and even Churches are deceived into promoting and celebrating Santa and his snow sledge.

They have also been deceived into believing that Christmas is about snow man, yule log and snow. All these have nothing to do with the original salvation plan of God. The Churches must understand the deception of Satan and to stop following what the world do. Let us be the Light to the people of the world who are still living in darkness  and under deception from Satan.

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