Thursday 29 December 2016

Devotions for 29.12 .2016

Leaders Section

Eph 5: 15-16

Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

As leaders we need to be wise in everything that we deal with including the use of resources and time. We often forget that time is a resource and must be used effectively and productively. There is an English proverb which says, ‘Time and tide waits for no man’.

This is very true; every minute of our lives is precious. Once the minute is passed we cannot go backwards to undo whatever we had done. Only God has this ability to reverse or stop time. When a mistake has been committed, there is no possibility to go back to prevent it. The only thing is to be more careful in the future and to make every effort to avoid repeating the mistake.
Paul in today’s text reminds us to do just this that we must make the most of every opportunity that comes our way. Whatever that we have and whatever we plan to do, let us do it well for the world is unkind and there is much evil around.

If we lack wisdom and understand to do what we need to do, let us pray and ask God to help us make the best of everyday as we make decisions and choices so that all that we do will be glorifying to God. Ask God to equip us to choose wisely so that we can serve Him well.

Public Section

Gal 4:4

When the set time had fully come, God sent His Son.

God is the author of all time, He pre-existed even before there was time. He is the infinite God who pre-existed before time was created which was when God created the sun and the moon. It was only after this that time came into existence.

Before this for eons, God had pre-existed and He is beyond the measure of time and space. God cannot be measured as how many thousand years old for He pre-existed even before anything else. He also cannot be measured in terms of dimension as he is beyond the whole Universe which He created.
Even before the Universe was created, God already had pre-planned for His Son to come and die for the redemption of the sin of all men. He was patient and gave men every chance and opportunity to repent and return back to Him. Finally He knew that man on his own strength and effort would never be able to come back to God totally.

Therefore when the time was right He send His Son Jesus to come to the earth to complete His plan of Salvation which required that His Son bore all our sins and shed His blood to wash away all our sins. God had revealed to Paul that it was a set time by God that it was time for Jesus Christ to come upon the earth. He was not to come earlier or later but at the precise time that God had set.

King Solomon also knew that there is a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3: 2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted. All things are planned by God and are in His hands. Nothing that has happened or going to happen is without God’s knowledge, He had ordained all things even from before the foundation of the earth.

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