Tuesday 27 December 2016

Devotions for 27.12.2016

Leaders Section

Titus 3: 1-2

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
Leaders are reminded that they are to submit to the will of God in their lives and to live as true believers in Jesus Christ bearing the characteristics of Jesus. When we are totally walking in the steps of Jesus we will then be able to receive the blessing of eternal life with Him.

In turn our godly lifestyle will be seen by others and the way we lead and deal with the people would also be a blessing for others. As we follow Jesus Christ, then our followers would then be able to follow us. This is the way that Jesus had instructed us to live and we will then be able to leave behind a godly legacy after we leave the Church.

To be able to live like Jesus, we need to pray and ask Him to teach us true humility in our lives that we would be doers of the word and not just preaching the word. What we teach and preached must be accompanied by our commitment to the teaching that we bring. We need to be proof producers of the gospel that we preach.

Therefore every leader must first examine their lives so that they will be a good role model for the Church to follow. The apostles all walked the talk, they lived the way they taught and preach. They were doers of the word and not preachers only.

Public Section

2 Peter 1: 16

We did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

The apostle Peter reminds us that as believers of Jesus Christ our testimony to our lives must be that in whatever that we speak; it must be plain and be the truth. The people in the world like to boast and yarn like the tales of fishermen. They also express themselves by stretching out their arms when they narrate the size of the fish that they missed. This is called the fishermen’s yarn or a white lie.

In Christianity, there must be no lies or exaggeration; there must be complete humility and truth in what we speak. Zechariah 8: 16 These are the things that ye shall do, Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gate. Another reminder from Peter is that when we preach the gospel we must not exaggerate or promise something that is not for us to deliver.

For example, there are some who promised all kinds of blessings to the non-believers when they believe in Jesus. For example I have come across some people who promised the non-believers in great financial distress that Jesus will prosper them when they believe in Him. Jesus did not promise this in the Gospel, therefore no one should also promise this as when the promise does not come to pass, and then the name of Jesus would be tarnished because of our wrong teaching.

Therefore let us speak only the truth in all occasions, we must never cheat or lie to win non-believers. Only the Satanic religion does this to convert people into their faith. 

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