Friday 23 December 2016

Devotions for 24.12.2016

Romans 3: 23-24

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace though the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Paul is expounding on the doctrine of sin and explains that in God’s sight all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. Until the time of Jesus first advent, the world had been godless and sinning in every way. Evil and wickedness abound everywhere and the power of witchcraft was at full bloom.

Everywhere men are controlled by their lust of power, money and the pleasures of the flesh. Looking at the period just before the coming of Christ, there was much evil, bloodshed and lawlessness. Men and women were made slaves and sold as merchandises. There was no respect for the slaves and they were treated just like animals, they lived and died at the whims of their masters.

The poor slaves were thrown into the arena to be killed and eaten by wild animals and the people treated this as entertainment. The gorier and more blood were demanded by the crowd and the rich and powerful gladly gave it to them. The unfortunate slaves were made to suffer and pay the ultimate price of death just for the lust of the people.

God said all these people are condemned to eternal judgement but God being compassionate and kind send Jesus Christ His Son to come and bring the Gospel of Salvation so that all sinners might be saved. This act of love is still in effect as we read on a daily basis that Jesus Christ is still appearing to the terrorists and thousands of these are turning to Jesus.

We are at Christmas Eve today and this is a good time to reflect upon the gift from God for His Son Jesus two thousand years ago. He came to redeem us all from sin through His sacrificial death on the cross.  We must celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and not follow the deceptive way and practices of the world of snowman, reindeer and Santa.

Public Section

Isaiah 9:2

On those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

Isaiah the prophet prophesied that in the land of evil and sin where all the people lived in darkness and have no fear of God, nevertheless God had not forsaken the people. Though He had been patient and merciful God did not want all men to be eternally condemned to the pits of Hell.

Isaiah was chosen to proclaim the coming of the Messiah some six to seven hundred years before Jesus came. God gave him the revelation and the prophetic word in detail for the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah referred to this event as the coming of a light into the deep darkness of the world.
The world had turned their backs to God and even the religious leaders of the synagogues and temples were living in sin and were abusing the common people. They were so despised by Jesus that He called them thieves and vipers or poisonous snakes.  

This is what God saw from heaven, a very dark world living in deep darkness and under the bondage of the devil. The people were slaves to witchcraft, idol worship and tortured. Jesus came from heaven to earth to set the people free. This was the reason He came and nothing else. Let us remember this and teach it to our children and grandchildren.

Let us not teach them a lie about Santa and the elves and the reindeer and snowman. All these are Satanic and have nothing to do with Jesus. Do not participate in this abomination and do not propagate it in the church.

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