Saturday 31 December 2016

Devotions for 1st Jan 2017

1 Peter 1: 13

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind…..

Today is the first day of 2017 and it is appropriate that we meditate on the word from the Apostle Peter.

There are three key words that we would like to study in this verse. These are ‘wherefore, loins, and mind.’

‘Wherefore’ can be translated to mean consequently and in this context we can say that ‘consequent’ to the start of the New Year it would also mean that we are also positioned in a new era or season in or lives. The past have gone which we cannot turn back whether we have accomplished much for the Lord or we have accomplished little for the Lord there is no rewinding of circumstances and time.

We must start off this day and New Year of 2017 as our new journey with the Lord. Once we have resolved to do so we must plan our path for the whole year. Peter here gave us some instructions toward this journey for everyone.

Secondly ‘girding up the loins’ means that as in the days of old or in some culture today men will wear a long robe that flow up to the ankle. When they need to get into action, like preparing for a fight they would pull up the robe and tuck it under their belt so that they would be able to move fast and freely.

This can also be interpreted to mean that in this new year, we need to gird up to move fast and quick in our ministry for Jesus. There is no more time to be complacent or to drag our feet. The harvest is ripe and the labourers are few, let us pray that we will all rise up to be the labourers for the harvest. There are different duties in the harvest, some will reap, others gather and yet others thresh the harvest and others will store the harvest.

This could be interpreted as some are evangelist; some do the follow up after the evangelism. Yet others will befriend the new converts and be encouragers to the new converts. Finally there are those who store the harvest in the barn which would be the pastoral and caring ministry. Therefore we may not be good preachers but we can do the follow-up, befriending, nurturing etc.

What is our calling and gifting that God has given to us, we need to identify it and sharpen upon it. This is what it means by ‘girding’. The other word is ‘loins’ which refers to the reproductive organ of the person. So the process of girding or preparation is for the purpose of reproduction in the kingdom. Everyone must become a reproducer or being part of the reproductive process in the kingdom.

Where there is no reproduction then there is no growth and soon death will occur. So it is with the Church, when there is no reproduction, soon the Church will wither and die a spiritual death. Many Churches have gone that way because they have lost the reproductive function.

What about the mind that Peter is referring to?

The scriptures have given us some guidelines to this.

Jesus taught that our mind must be fully focused and lead by God at all times.

Matt 12: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment. Our relationship with God involves our heart, our soul or emotions and all of our mind. All here means that our mind must not be divided where we have too many distractions.

In sales and marketing we call it a funnel meaning all efforts are channeled in one channel and focused as one force towards achieving the desired results. Our ministry in the Lord must also be involving the fullness of our mind, there must be absolutely zero distraction towards what we do.  This is what girding our mind means.

Secondly Paul wrote in Roms 12: 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…. This would meant that there must be a setting apart, we must not continue to conform to the mind of the world but our spiritual mind and purpose must be renewed in Christ. We must not continue to think and operate in the way of the world but we are living in another realm which is the realm of the spirit. We need to be more and more Christ like and be the light to the world of darkness that we live in. We are also to be the salt around us as the world has lost the influencing effect of holiness and godliness. We need to bring back the sweetness of God’s love and mercy in the world.

Thirdly, Paul directs us on how to be effective in Roms 12: 16 Be of the same mind one towards another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

Paul reminds all that we must not be proud and only look up to the rich and powerful but Jesus had come for all men, including the poor and destitute. The kingdom of God is opened to all men irrespective of nationalities, social status, power or education. The Kingdom of heaven is unlike the world. The poor and destitute may occupy higher places of honour and influence that the rich and powerful of the earth. The Kingdom of heaven is bot about what we have but it is about what we are.

Fourthly Paul wrote in 1 Cor 2: 16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. Just as the apostle Pete had instructed that we must gird up our mind, Paul we can only do this by purposefully developing our mind to be like the mind of Christ. Our thoughts and desires must be for heavenly values. Our plans and purposes must also be for heavenly achievements. Whatever that Jesus desires, that should also be our desires.

Fifthly Paul tells us what we must and need to do in order that we gird our mind. He wrote in Ephesian 4: 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Our mind has a spirit which is alive and powerful. The mind of Christ is for all men to live righteous and holy lives. Jesus has given us a spirit of sound mind. The devil wants to rob us of this sound mind and therefore our mind is the first battle ground of the devil.

He will attack our minds and sow seeds of accusation, lies, doubts, fear, unbelief, hatred, anger, unforgiveness, evil and filthy thoughts. The devil does not respect any man. Job was tested, Lot was tested, King David was tested, Peter was tested, Paul was tested and today we see that the devil also attack the minds of many pastors and leaders in the Churches. That is his most powerful weapon to destroy the Churches and the Christians.

The only weapon that we can have against the devil is the Word of God. Paul said in Eph 5: 26 …clean our mind with the washing of water by the word.’

The blood of Jesus can only wash away our sins but cannot wash our minds of evil thoughts. Only the scriptures, the Word of God’ can wash our mind. As we read and meditate upon the word of God, it will be like water that washes away all the filthy and ungodly thoughts in our mind.

Therefore let us purpose that in the New Year of 2017, let us deliberate on the Word of God, gird up the productive organs of our mind and live our lives to fulfill God’s plan and purpose in us.

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