Friday 30 December 2016

Devotions for 30.12.2016

Leaders Section

1 Tim 1: 17

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen

Paul is reminding his spiritual son and disciple that being a leader in Christian ministry, we must be continually focused upon Jesus. This means every minute of our day and ministry must be dedicated entirely to the glorifying of His name. Nothing should be directed towards us, all glory and attention must be directed towards Jesus.

In all things and achievements we must give glory to God and to Jesus. Just as Paul summarizes in today’s scripture, everything must be attributed to King Jesus who is immortal, invisible, the only God, He must be given all honor and glory. This must not be shared with others whether spirits or man.
The danger for not doing so would be that we may take the glory for ourselves or for the Church. When this happens, it would be self-glorifying or we may turn the church into an idol. We would begin to take pride in the Church rather than in Christ.

Leaders must never lose their focus on Jesus and they must consciously focus on pleasing Jesus and giving Him all glory and honor. Just as the early apostles and believers did, they were full conscious of who Jesus is and they gave all glory and honor to Him. This has not changed because this is the true doctrine of the trinity.

Jesus is equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit; He was both God and man when He was on earth. Now He is full God after having ascended back to heaven and is seated at the right hand of Father God where He intercedes for us day and night. Let us remember to worship Him as He is worthy being a member of the triune God.

Public Section

Matt 14: 23

..Jesus went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.

Jesus demonstrated the close relationship He had with the Father God, though He himself is God but yet He continued to show that He too needed to have a close relationship with the Father. This is the natural relationship that any child would have with His Father.

Looking at the family needs we see that every child look towards a Father figure in the lives, they need to have the love of the Father showing them the love and care. This is true from the period of boyhood to even adult hood. I have seen how the children would develop a close bond with the father and even till the children in turn have become fathers, they still look toward the loving care of their father.

Now Jesus knew His Father well when He was in heaven and when His Father asked Him to come down for the mission of saving all sinners, Jesus was an obedient Son, He obeyed the request of the Father, laying aside His deity for a short while and became a man of flesh with all the weaknesses of man. He did not come with His godly abilities but relied on the empowering of the Holy Spirit so that He could set the example and open the way for us to follow.

Now we can follow His footsteps while He was a man, what He had accomplished through the Father and trough the Holy Spirit, we too can follow and do the same. However, we need to be like Jesus, coming before the Father daily, seeking His holiness and His anointing and strength. Only when we have done that and receive a fresh anointing each day can we go forth to do the work of the kingdom.

As Jesus showed the need to come to the Father daily, we must also develop this relationship with Father and ask of the anointing and empowering from the Father.

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