Wednesday 28 December 2016

Devotions for 28.12.2016

Leaders Section

Eph 5: 15-16

Be very careful, then, how you live--- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

As we are in the last closing days of the year, we are reminded to be alert and wise because the days we are facing are evil. Just on the eve of Christmas and Hanukkah a group of nations in the UN conspired to pass a resolution to try and force Israel to give up the territories that they have rightfully won during the six days war.

This was conceived and supported by the anti-Israel US President who gave his blessings to the other nations to plot against Israel. This anti-Israel President has once again shown his dark side in purposefully planning to destroy the land of Israel and therefore paving the way to divide Israel and also to cause the wrath of God to fall upon those nations that have ganged together to pass the resolution.

The original charter of the UN was to promote peace in the world but now this body has been used for evil purposes like trying to destroy the nation of Israel and to rise up against God and His people. This is but one example of evil days.

Other examples are the corrupt governments in nations that are stealing huge sums of money from their country’s resources. We read of the evil deeds of the governments that have caused great hardship to the people and now the treasury is bankrupt, they have now passed a new law to even tax the Churches because they need all kinds of taxes to raise money to meet the budget.

This is another evil act against God and His people. Christian leaders today must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. They need to recognize the evil around them and to be prudent in their dealings.

Let us continue to pray and seek God’s wisdom and guidance as we lead.

Public Section

Psalm 106:1

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever

The psalmist praised God for His everlasting love though this was written many hundred years before God poured out His love through the sending of His Son to die for all our sins. When Jesus resurrected after He had completed His mission on earth, the love of God was not removed though Jesus is now sitting at the right side of God, He is still continuing His ministry of intercession before the Father for all of us.

God’s love for His children is immeasurable, though He may be angry at the great sin of His people and punishes them for a while nevertheless He will bring them back to His love.

The nation of Israel is still the apple of the eye of God. Israel is His favourite and also the first born, God has made a covenant with Abraham that He will bless His descendants forever and He will give them The Promised Land and all the blessings that He had made with Abraham.

Today we are seeing all these promises becoming fulfilled one by one
This is truly a manifestation of the love of God that endures forever as proclaimed by the psalmist. In fact throughout the bible, prophets and spiritual leaders have proclaimed the love of God because they have received this revelation and they have also experienced it in their own lives.

We too can reflect and count the blessings we have been receiving form God because of His love, let us praise God that Hs love truly endures forever in us.

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