Thursday 26 January 2017

Devorions for 26th Jan 2017

Roms 7: 14  # daily devotions #scriptures #bible studies

The trouble is with me, for I am all too human.

Paul is expounding on the law of God that has been given to all men. He is humble to acknowledge that in no way is he a perfect man, in fact there is no perfect man on earth except the Lord Jesus Christ while He was on the earth. Though Paul was a Pharisee before his born again experience through Jesus Christ, he knew the law very well and he knew that he had transgress against the law.

He confessed that he knew the law very well and it was well engraved in his mind but he acknowledged that he was still a sinner because the law is perfect but he was imperfect. Just knowing the law does not make a man perfect, rather we must obey it and follow it. Paul therefore acknowledged that he couldn’t uphold the law in his life because he was human and therefore had many weaknesses.

Our imperfection is because we have failed in obeying the law. In this world there are many struggles that we face daily. Paul wrote in Rom 7:18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. This was not only Paul’s struggle in his Christian life but it is also the same with us.

However if we do not deny this fact, then we would be able to consciously and diligently work towards overcoming all the temptations of the flesh by studying and holding firmly to the scriptures and also seeking the help of the Holy Spirit. When we have the scriptures in our heart and we determine to resist all temptations and we keep in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, then we would be able to overcome all temptations.

Paul knew this truth and he confessed it and in turn reminded the Church that only when we allow the scriptures to guide our hearts and mind, only then would we be able to overcome the desires of the flesh. Struggles in the mind we will have but we have this hope and assurance of help from God’s words and the Holy Spirit to guide us.  

In the next few verses Paul described it in Rom 7:22-24 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.

Learning from what Paul is teaching us in this passage, we can indeed have a victorious life in Christ Jesus.

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