Tuesday 17 January 2017

Devotions for 17th Jan 2017

John 14: 19

Because I live, you also will live.

The mission of Jesus Christ to this earth was to bring peace and life to the world. Early in vs 6 Jesus said; ‘I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.’ In this verse Jesus revealed His true mission for coming into the earth. Firstly He came to show the way to God, He also came to reveal the truth of the Gospel and finally He came to give life to all who would seek it.

Jesus explained that though he has come to give revelation to the world but the world would not be able to get to heaven unless they go through Him. This means that all men must accept Him as their Lord and Saviour, only then would they be able to gain the possession of heaven.

Going through Jesus means that all men must be born again when they receive Jesus as their Lord and Master, only then would the Father acknowledge their son ship and their acceptance into heaven. Jesus also said that by ourselves we would never be able to be accepted by God because the righteousness that we think we have are but like filthy rags in the eyes of God.

We are also reminded that all men have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. If we say we have no sin then the bible says that we have lied for there is no perfect man on earth except Jesus Christ.

The world thinks that they can achieve salvation through works. No one can even try to enter heaven without Jesus. The non-Christians think that they can attain salvation through good works. My neighbour is a non-Christian and they are vegetarians because they do not want to take any form of life. To them killing for food is also sin. In fact they are in the habit of feeding wild life.

They would throw out rice and old bread to the birds around the neighbourhood and the ravens and other birds come and feed. They have become a nuisance to us as the birds are dropping their manure all over the compound.

Coming back to what Jesus promised, he lives, we too will live. This is provided that we already have received Him as our Lord and Saviour. Then only can we have eternal life. It is not through good works or meditation but it is through accepting Jesus as our Saviour that we can be saved. This is precisely what Jesus had taught us over and over again.

Let us remember this fundamental truth and let our faith be anchored upon Jesus Christ and upon none other.  


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