Tuesday 31 January 2017

Devotions for 31.1.2017

1 Peter 2: 24  # daily devotions # scriptures # Bible studies

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross.

Jesus was both a man and God when He came to this earth two thousand years ago. In his person as a man He demonstrated that in His human abilities, he could endure the long persecution and suffering he had to go through including bearing all our sins on Hiss body. He became the sacrificial lamb and the scape goat for our sins. In the OT practice the high priest would hold the scape goat by the horns and then he would pray and transfer the sins of the people on to the scape goat.

When Jesus came He took the place of the sacrificial scape goat and He became the perfect sacrifice which was free from sin and blemish. He bore all our sins once and for all and then after there is no further need for any other sacrifices because Jesus was both man and the Son of God. As the Son of God He paid the highest price possible and then after God was satisfied and does not require any more sacrifices.

Through this act of sacrifice of His Son, God reconciled all sinners back to Him. Prior to Jesus’ sacrifice, all men were condemned to eternal death but that sentence had been abolished and now, no matter how sinful a man can be, God is willing to forgive and receive the sinner back to Him on the condition that the sinner receives Jesus as His Savior and repent from all His past sins.

By sending Jesus to die on the cross, God had made a way for the sinners to be forgiven and be reconciled back to Him. What a privilege this is for man because even the angels who had sinned against God and fallen are not forgiven and they are now the demons that follow Satan and would be finally locked up in the pits of hell when Jesus returns. This is another study which can only be dealt in length in another setting.

The message today is the message of redemption and salvation. Let us remember that God is merciful and He knows that man on his own will never be able to come back to Him. God therefore made a way for all men who have become completely lost to turn around and find his way back to God. Without this love and grace of God, we would never have been saved.
What is in the spiritual can only be achieved through spiritual means and not human means. Jesus came as the way, the truth and the light and no man can come to the Father but through Him.

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