Thursday 5 January 2017

Devotions for 6th Jan 2017

Psalm 95:6  #bible studies # daily devotions # gospel # word of God

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

The holiday season is now over and everyone is starting to get back to school and to work. We are all starting to get into the New Year and start all over and journey into the unknown of another year. Here is the reminder from King David as he wrote this psalm and he calls all believers to continue to bow down and worship our God and Maker.

As we journey each new day, we must start it off with God because we do not want to leave Him behind. God is Omnipresence, He is always with us. He is wherever we go and so we invite Him to be part of all that we do. We spend the beginning of the day in worship and we surrender the day into His hands. We also invite Him into our work and other activities asking for His wisdom and direction in all that we do.

Remember Jesus’ name is also ‘Emmanuel’ which is God with us. Jesus also promised that He will also be with us to the uttermost parts of the world. He promised in Matt 28: 20 …I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world.

What a blessing to know that Jesus would be with us everywhere we go and in everything that we do. It is the practice of believers that we pray and ask for God’s journey mercies each time we travel and set out on a journey. We know that when we sincerely pray and ask for God’s mercy and protection He hears and He is happy to travel with us.

In recent days, as we started the New Year I was able to discern the spiritual attacks that have been coming against individual families as well as corporate families. Most of all I also saw the enemy raising the ante against Israel. The enemies of Israel had passed a UN Resolution to demand that Israel stop all settlement constructions and to withdraw back to the pre-1967 borders.

In 10 days, 70 nations will gather in Paris led by US to meet and to decide on the actions to go against Israel. This is another all-out attack on Israel led by the anti-Christian President of the US. Ultimately we know that this is the work of the enemy using human vessels to come against Israel, the apple of the eye of God.

These attacks are very significant as we see now the prophetic events of the End Times are now falling into place. Soon we will see the prophecy of Psalm 83 coming and war will break out first in the Middle East and then leading on to a world war.

As we see the signs of the season, let us bow down and worship God, pray for His covering and protection upon our families, our homes and nations. Much evil abound all around us, personally, corporately and internationally. We need to stand in the gap and pray like never before.

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