Wednesday 18 January 2017

Psalm 100: 5  #daily devotions # bible studies # word of God

The Lord is good and his love…continues through all generations

David who was also known as the perfumer to God was known for his praise and worship. He knew how to express himself in adoration of the Almighty and because of his sweet worship; God gave him the accolade of being the perfumer to Him.

From Psalms 96 to 100 David wrote a compilation of praise and worship to God and in each of these psalms, David extols the different virtues of God. Starting with Psalm 96 David praised God for His righteous judgement and His faithfulness in overcoming evil and injustice.

Then in Psalm 97 David praised God and lifted Him up for His majesty and His power.

In Psalm 98 David then praised God for His goodness and mercy in granting His salvation to His loved ones!

Then in Psalm 99 David praised God for His holiness and perhaps all these were written within a short time as his love and expression for God flowed freely. He was definitely all inspired and his spirit was high and his thoughts fully focused as he wrote down his thoughts and emotions.

Finally in Psalm 100 David called upon everyone who loves God to come together and to sign praises to God. This was the lifestyle that David led and he being King of Israel was able to command the whole nation to follow him in worship to God.

David had motivated the whole nation to develop a culture of worship to God; He was the King, prophet and priest as he led the whole nation in worship.

We can see the picture of him leading the parade of dancing girls, musicians and singers as they danced and sang on their way to the temple. We have seen movies that showed these familiar scenes and it is easy for us to adapt into our lives.

In my mission trips, I have been to several countries and experienced the different form of worship to God. Some of these do continue to have worship parades through the roads as they wind their way to the Church.

These worshipers are not ashamed to express their love for God in public. In fact they revere in it, the young children, the youth and the adults. All the people truly enjoyed this time of public display and worship to God.

In the present days, many Churches have now incorporated dances in their worship and we see elaborate costumes and well-rehearsed dances being part of today’s corporate worship. This is a good practice and should be encouraged.

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