Thursday 19 January 2017

Devotions for 19th Jan 2017

2 Cor 4: 7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Paul writes to the Church of Corinth telling the believers that we have this treasure that is stored in jars of clay. These are the two key things that Paul wants to teach the Church.

Firstly we have “this treasure” which is the gospel and the gift of salvation which comes together with the full package of spiritual gifts and power. This is something which the world is seeking and cannot find because they have not found Jesus. Salvation is something that all cultures and nationalities are hoping for. Every culture speaks of heaven and hope that their religion will get them there.

Every pagan religion and cults talk about going to heaven in their own way. Some teach on piety and recluse lifestyle away from the norm of life in the world. They keep away from the world as hermits and holy men and women in constant meditation and study of their holy scriptures. Others try and attain a passage to heaven through good works and living a kind and compassionate life.

This is where we can see the followers are constantly getting their hands to do good works like caring for disaster relief works, orphanages and welfare works. Some are even so kind to animal life form because their religion teach them to be kind to all living creatures. They have been blinded to think that by being kind to the animals they will earn merits to get to heaven.

Some people set up animal shelters at their own cost and time to care for stray cats and dogs, their efforts can run into huge amounts of financial stress monthly. This can be a strong bondage upon their lives as once they have taken this up; they cannot let it go because their belief and conscience will not allow them to close the shelters.

This is one way that Satan will put people into bondage and to wear away their resources and health. Some believers too fall into this trap of doing good works. When we talk to these people, they fool themselves by saying they love the animals and would not like to let the bondage go.

Paul says that the devil has blinded the spiritual eyes of these people and they cannot see the truth of the word of God. They continue to be deceived by choice. In verse 4 Paul said “..the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

In verse 6 Paul continues and say; “For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness, make his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.’ What Paul is saying now that we have the treasure of salvation in our lives, we are the earthen jars that are containing this treasure? Each of us who are the children of God has this treasure which is the knowledge of salvation and the power and gifts of God in us.

As earthen jars are common vessels and are not transparent, even the treasures they hold will be hidden from the sight of the world. Therefore if we are these jars and we have ‘the treasure’ in us, then we need to share this treasure of the gospel so that the non-believers can also see and receive the same treasure that we have.

Paul therefore teach that we must display this treasure so that the idol worshipers will not continue to be deceived but that they will see the truth and also receive the same treasure.

Let our lives shine and be a light to those living in spiritual darkness, let us share the treasure of the gospel with our loved ones and friends. 

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