Sunday 15 January 2017

Devotions for 15th Jan 2017

Matt 10:39 #daily devotions # bible studies # word of God
Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Jesus tells His disciples that in their Christian life it would not be the same as before, when they chose to follow Him they have turned away from the world and no longer live like the world. The values of the world are not the same as the values of the Kingdom of God. What the world values are what the Kingdom of God deters.

The vales of the world consist of selfishness, pride, greed, unforgiveness, jealousy, slander, gossip and all the evil traits of human behaviour. A little while ago I was watching a documentary on the TV about the rise of the 45th President of the US. Just five years before this the sitting President was insulting the President elect at a gala function publicly.

There was so much pride, hatred, jealousy in the sitting President who is the most powerful man in the world. He did not even behave decently or politely but was slanderous in his word, attacking and accusing the President elect at that time who is a prominent tycoon in the US.

What I am pointing out is that the world is cruel and evil and even the most powerful man on earth politically is evil and do evil things that is because he does not have Jesus Christ. He is controlled by his master who is the enemy of God. In fact all men in the world who do not have Jesus Christ are controlled by the enemy and do what the enemy dictates them to do.

This is where the difference lies, we the believers of Jesus Christ would do what he taught us to do and that is all contrary to what the evil one taught his children to do. Look at the world today and the countries in the world, most of them are controlled by evil politicians who in turn are controlled by the enemy of Christ. Like their master, they go against the children of God and persecute them or try and destroy them

Today in Paris, 72 countries are gathered to decide and pass a resolution under the auspices of the UN to divide Israel and Jerusalem. Israel is a sovereign nation on its own. How unfair it is for third party nations to determine its fate and to pass a resolution to divide it. But this is how the evil world works, the UN is controlled by Antichrist nations and they have an agenda to destroy the apple of the eye of God which is Israel.

Secondly these Antichrist nations want to destroy all Jews first and then all Christians. In fact all these are already prophesied and recorded in scriptures and we are seeing biblical prophecies being fulfilled right before us. Very soon the political scenario in the world would lead to a global war and many children of God will see and experience tribulation which again is prophesied in the bible.

As such the Christians must be strengthened and be prepared to face tribulation just as some of the Christians in Antichrist nations are going through right now. But we know the end from the beginning, we will not lose, we will be on the winning side. The promise is that though for a short time we may even have to pay the ultimate price of laying down our lives for Christ, there is a great reward waiting for us in heaven. Jesus Christ had promised that He has gone to prepare a place for us, if it were not so, He would have told us.

Similarly Paul said in Phip 1:25 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. This is the truth that all the apostles knew and they were focused on attaining their due reward in heaven. We too must be like them and to prepare to receive the reward and inheritance that Jesus had gone ahead to prepare for us.

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