Friday 27 January 2017

Devotions for 28th Jan 2017

Roms 8: 35

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

Paul reminds us that when we become a believer in Jesus Christ there will be much challenge that we would face. As long as we live in this world and as long as we make a stand for Jesus Christ, the enemy will make all kinds of attacks to try and give up our faith and to turn away from our Lord and saviour.

Paul did not hide anything from the Church. He mentioned that there shall be trouble or hardship that would come against them. These troubles can be in many forms like persecution from Antichrist authorities and Antichrist societies around us. Look at the example of the Jews in the nation of Israel, they want to live in peace but the enemy would not want to give them peace.

Their citizens are being targeted everywhere they go and every day of their lives. There is always the danger of terrorist attacks against them. They want to live in peace with all men but not all men want to live in peace with them.

What about the Christians in the Antichrist nations? They are also being targeted and harmed on a daily basis; some of the Christian women and girls are captured and sold as sex slaves. I watched a video where a Christian woman was so distraught because her young and beautiful daughter of 24 years old and qualified as a doctor was kidnapped and sold off as a sex slave by the Antichrist followers.

Paul continued saying that some other troubles we will face is lack of financial capabilities, many would be faced with the reality of losing financial earnings and will face much difficulties. This will lead to abject poverty and recently I am seeing more and more people on the streets losing their jobs and their homes. Many had no money to pay for their rental and have been ejected onto the streets. Some of these are young couples. I see the road side increasingly lined with new homeless.

Again when these are helpless, they would face other dangers and harm that would come their way. These would be attacked or humiliated by others and some may even face threats to their lives.  These are real conditions in the world today. We are living just like in the NT days where Paul and the other Christians went through such challenges in their lives as well.

The early disciples had no place they called home, they traveled and preached the word everywhere and anywhere to all men. They stayed in homes of some kind believers who took them in and other times they had to live on the streets too.

Global instability and insecurity is coming, the Antichrist religion is boldly declaring that they are above the laws of countries around the world and they are boldly committing crime as though they are above the laws and persecution of the countries they have illegally migrated to.

These terrorists of the Antichrist religion are targeting Christians to persecute. This is not new because throughout history, Christians have been the target of the devil that uses evil men to do his work.

Paul is saying, yes, though we will face all these challenges but we know that our God will never forsake us. When we hold fats to Him, He will hold fats to us and even if we are martyred, we will inherit the kingdom of heaven the next second. There is nothing to lose but everything to gain in Christ.

Like our brethren in the Middle East nations today, even when they were threatened to renounce Jesus, they were more than happy to become martyrs for Jesus Christ and be with Him the next moment they give their lives for HIM.

This must be our stand today as followers of our Lord and Saviour.

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