Friday 27 January 2017

Devotions for 27th Jan 2017

Exodus 17: 12

Aaron and Hur held Moses’ hands up ---one on one side, one on the other --- so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

Leadership has its responsibilities and burden. In the case of Moses, he had to lead his people in the exodus to the Promised Land, he was their spiritual father, their general in war and also judge. This passage also tells us that every leader cannot do everything on his own and when a leader thinks and profess that he does not need any help and support from others, and then the leader is heading towards failure.

On the other hand we also see that sometimes the helpers may be involved in doing insignificant things which do not promote them into the lime lights. The duties that they performed might look insignificant and unimportant but the truth is though the input might be humble and less glamorous, nevertheless their input is very important.

Looking at the example of Aaron and Hur, we knew that Aaron was the brother of Moses but as for Hur, we knew very little about him. He was mentioned as a helper to Moses who alongside Aaron held up the hands of Moses, after this passage we do not hear anything else about him.

Though the input by Hur may not look glamourous but it was important for when Moses’ hands were held high then the Israel’s army was victorious but when Moses’ hands were tired and drooped then the Amalekites won. So we can see that the input of Hur was so important though it did not look glamourous, his actions help Moses’ hands to be lifted and the lives of thousands of Israelites were saved.

They won the battle which means otherwise then perhaps thousands of Israeli lives could have been lost. So in the case of Hur, his contribution may not look glamourous but it was very important, lives and victory depended on his contribution.

In the same manner, we may not think that we can contribute very important input in Church and we belittle ourselves but the truth is no matter what little we can do, God uses it for His purpose.

Therefore we must be dedicated and committed to whatever little or unimportant in our eyes because God can use these to do great things. 

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