Wednesday 4 January 2017

Devotions for 5th Jan 2017

Gen 3:9 #bible studies, #daily devotions #devotions #gospel # love #word of God

The Lord God called …’Where are you?’

From the scriptures we read that God is a personal Father to each and every one of His children. When God call out to Adam and Eve, it was not because He did not know. God is Omniscience and He knows everything even before it happens. All knowledge comes from God who created the heavens and the Universe and all that is in it.

He knows the very design and composite of everything which is living or not. He put everything together in His creation but when He called to His first son and daughter, He was calling out in love and not in authority.  It was not a reprimand but it was a loving call like a loving father would call out to His son. It was only after Adam & Eve confessed of their disobedience and sin did God had to pass judgement upon them.

From the very beginning it was God’s desire to have a loving and personal relationship with man. God did not distance from man but it was man who distance from God through sin. God’s nature is holiness and He cannot accept sin as it is against His very nature of holiness. It is just as light and darkness cannot co-exist.

We are reminded over and over that God is calling for all sinners to return to Him for He never intended for man to be away from Him and held captives forever in Hell. In fact He had prepared a place in heaven for all who would return to Him.

Jesus revealed this when he said; John 14: 2 In my Father’s house are many mansion: if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you.  

Jesus too always talked about having and building a personal relationship with the Father and with Him. That is the essence of God’s love to us. Another time Jesus also said; John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. The Father and The Son are the same; they are seeking for men to turn back to them so that we can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and be with them.

Jesus again revealed the Father’s heart of love when He taught on the parable of the ‘prodigal son’ who took all the riches that was due to him and went away from his father to waste away his life. In spite of what the prodigal son did, the father received the son back with love and compassion and throwing a big banquet for him. In this parable Jesus was teaching of the limitless love of God the Father who is waiting for every son and daughter who has gone away from Him.

The Father is still calling today to us, ‘Where are you?’ How do we respond to Him?

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