Monday 2 January 2017

Devotion for 3.1.2017

2 Kings 6: 16 #bible studies # daily devotions #devotions #gospel #word of God

Don’t be afraid… those who are with us are more than those who are with the enemy.

The enemy is working continuously in trying to wreck destruction to the world and he is doing this by using evil men as his instruments. Sometimes these tools of the devil may be people from outside and sometimes even from the people inside the sheep pen. (church)

Israel had been a prime target of the devil because he knew that the Messiah would come out from Israel and so from long before that the devil had tried his best to destroy the Israeli baby boys. Right from the time of Moses till the time of Jesus this had been the weapon of the devil. Along the way, the devil had wanted to also destroy the nation of Israel even to this present day.

The enemy has his armies that are possessed by him and led by him to create trouble in Israel as well as world-wide. It was the same during the time of Elijah and Elisha, the devil had wanted to destroy Israel and he used enemy armies to come against Israel as it is still so today. God had revealed to Elisha all the plans of the enemy and Elisha had warned the Israeli King which in turn had frustrated the plans of the enemy.  

In this instance, the servant of Elisha was so afraid when he saw the armies coming against them but Elisha prayed to God to open his eyes so that he can see the army of angels that are protecting them. Even in this present day the armies of Israel are seeing and experiencing miracles from God’s hand protecting them.

In the last Israel/Arab war that was fought in southern Israel, the Arab terrorists said that the God of Israel had turned their missiles in mid-flight to cause them to fall in the Mediterranean Sea. God has throughout all the recent wars been aiding Israel’s army in so many miraculous ways. We have heard of supernatural events on the battle field that no one can explain. All these are the efforts of the devil in trying to destroy the apple of the eye of God which is the nation of Israel.

God had prevented many attacks on Israel through supernatural intervention. The devil is finding it very difficult to counter Israel but now his attention is on trying to remove the PM of Israel. The devil is using accusation which is his main weapon as he is the accuser of the brethren. He is accusing the PM of wrong doings in trying to formulate a case to bring down the leader of Israel.

The war between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness had been an ongoing war for thousands of years and it will continue until Jesus comes again to destroy Satan and his army in one final battle. As in all wars, there will be casualties but we must continue to trust in God even if we become one of these casualties.

Today I saw a news report of a Christian in the land of the jihadists being tied with barb wires and hung across a pole and beaten to force him to renounce Jesus or die. Praise God that this brother stood firm in his faith and he bold said, ‘proud to be a Christian and proud to die as a Christian.’
He knew Jesus as his Savior and chose to become another martyr for Jesus Christ. This reminds us that in these last days, many will be called into martyrdom and we musts be ready and prepared for it.

Paul said; “to be out of this body is to be in the presence of the Lord.” This means the very second that we leave our bodies; our soul will be standing before God and Jesus in heaven. Therefore let us not worry about being on this sinful earth for too long. Let us press forward to secure our treasure and reward in heaven. 

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