Saturday 11 February 2017

Daily Devotions 11th Feb 2017

Psalm 139: 3

You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

In this psalm David declares the Omniscience of God when he started off in verse 1 ‘You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down.’ As David continues he acknowledged that our God is truly omniscience and though He is far away in the third heaven, but yet His ears and His eyes hear our cries and He sees all that we do.

David declares that God’s eyes are upon us 24/7 and His ears too are open to our cries continuously. There is nothing on earth or even beneath the earth which can be hidden from God. He knows us when we get up and when we lay down. In fact before anything happens or before we think about saying anything, He already knows and He prompts us.

Personally speaking, I have experienced God’s presence and prompting in many instances where even before I could decide anything, He was already prompting my spirit. Sometimes it is a confidence and surety that the decision I was making is right and sometimes, I also get the prompting that what I was planning was not the right thing.

There were some instances that in the flesh I decided to proceed with what I wanted even when the Holy Spirit had given me a prompting that I should not pursue the plan and the result was I fell flat on my face. At other times when I hear from Him and obeyed then He took care of the situation even though at that time things did not look good. I have since learned to be obedient but must confess that I am in no way perfect but trying to walk in obedience.

This is what David is also teaching us, we must die to self and surrender totally to God in our lives. In order to please Him and to secure our relationship with Him, there is no other way but to obey all His commands and to walk in His precepts.

It is only then that we can enjoy that intimate relationship with God just like David did. These days we are beginning to see that many of the believers are becoming more and more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we build a closer relationship with God.

The way to do this is to repent of our sins and to spend long and quality time with Him for He has promised that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. 

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