Tuesday 14 February 2017

Daily Devotions 14th Feb 2017

1 John 4:9

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

This morning when I went to the shopping mall to get some groceries, I saw bouquets of fresh flowers and lots of red rose stalks. Then I remembered that today is ‘Valentine Day’ and in the western culture it is such an important day when couples young and old give flowers and presents to their loved ones. Some people think that this is only meant for the young people to celebrate but the older couples do celebrate too.

Generally people appreciate love and attention from others especially from those whom they love. The gifts that they bring will demonstrate the level of love they have for their lovers. How expensive would the gift be? Many would take their love to a special dinner tonight, then perhaps to a dance or a movie. The amount of expenses spent will demonstrate the amount of love from one person to another.

In the scripture today, we see God giving to us a gift which is immeasurable. This gift is the most precious gift that He could give, it is the gift of His only Son, Jesus Christ who came and lived on earth in order that He could personally bring the gospel of Salvation, He could also give us the Holy Spirit who enables us to do the works of the Kingdom with the power to do miracles, signs and wonders.

Jesus demonstrated this power by showing and setting an example for us to follow. He tend promised to pass on this gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. Jesus said in Acts 1: 4-5 …”Do not leave Jerusalem, nut wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Considering this, we now understand that God gave us such a big present that it came in two parts. First God gave us His Son to die for us on the cross so that by His blood our sins are washed clean, by His stripes we are healed of all diseases. By His resurrection He defeated death and now we can inherit eternal life.

The second part is that God gave the third person of the ‘trinity’ who is the Holy Spirit to be our teacher, counselor, friend, empowerer so that we may receive His anointing and His power to perform all kinds of miracles including healing of diseases and casting out of demons and raising the dead.

These two gifts that God gave to us demonstrated His limitless love for us who are sinners. He loved us so much that He gave the second and third persons of the ‘Trinity’ to man so that we can get to know Him better and to turn back to Him. Sadly too many of the believers have lost their first love, they have turned back to the world and their relationship with God is only luke warm and superficial.

God wants us to be on fire for Him, truly dedicated and committed to Him and His ways. Only then can we be acceptable to Him and are able to secure our salvation. 

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