Tuesday 7 February 2017

Daily Devotions 7th Feb 2017

Phip 4: 8

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true  … noble.. right … pure ….lovely….admirable ---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy --- think about such things.

Paul is writing to the Church that as followers of Jesus Christ we should be people of joy as we enjoy the relationship with Him. In verse 4 Paul wrote; ‘Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again: Rejoice!’ This is the promise that Jesus gave the Church, He has given us His peace and joy which surpasses all understanding. This is the blessing that only the believers can receive.

We read in verses 6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The word of encouragement from Paul is clear, we are not to be anxious about anything, all men will have to go through their daily chores and sometimes we will encounter challenges. Sometimes these challenges may appear threatening even to cause physical harm or great loss.

Paul said that under such circumstances, we are not to look at the bigness of our challenges but we ought to look at the bigness of our God who has promised to see us through every challenge.

Let us remember that the God who parted the Red Sea for his people is still the same God. There were over 2 million Israelite who cross over on dry God when the sea parted.

They brought with them the flocks of sheep, cattle, and camels. They brought all their household belongings and their large families of little children. If we do a little estimation, we will come up with the answer that the whole mass of over 2 million Israelite together with their livestock and heavy materials, it would have taken them about 2 weeks to cross over.

Just imagine that God could hold the sea back for so long, isn’t it awesome and it reminds us of who He really is. He is the Almighty, the great I AM and the I AM. There is no other god who can be compared to Him.

He was also the God who did all the miracles through Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh and after all that, Pharaoh finally agreed to let the nation of Israel go.

How much greater that the challenges that Moses and the Israelites face? No matter how seriousness of our challenges may be, we can call out to Him and he will hear and answer us from on high.   

He is the Omniscience God who sees all things and knows all things. He is also the Omnipotent God who is able to do all things and sure He will continue to do it for us.

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