Thursday 2 February 2017

Devotional thoughts 2.Feb .2017

Eccl 3: 14

Everything God does will endure forever.

Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon where he poured out his philosophical thoughts and in verse he said; ‘I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.’ In the next verse he went on to expound on his thought more. Vs 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toll --- this is the gift of God.

King Solomon explains that there is a divine plan that God had set for all men which is common to all. All men must work in order that they may acquire money and be able to provide for themselves and their families. Even from the early days, when the people were just gathering and planting they needed to labour long hours in order to gather enough for their daily needs.

With the advancement of knowledge men have improved in the technology and wisdom given by God. Man became innovative and began to discover and make new instruments that would enhance their skills and productivity. Vs 13 tells us that in the beginning men were only concerned about their basic need.

Even in some remote areas, some tribes are still practicing gathering and hunting and when the wild fruits are off season; their food supply would be affected. When hunting was bad, their food supply was also affected. Much depended on their skills and industrious efforts. Solomon also said that the skills for working are given by God to men.

God created all living creatures and input into every one of them the surviving instinct. Right from the tiniest to the largest creature, the survival instinct is inbuilt by God. Even the animals know how to gather and hunt in order to survive. This is the perfect order of God,  it is a perfect balance in nature.

Then in verse 14 Solomon wrote; ‘I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear Him.’ This sums up all the good works that God had done in creation. Every man and woman have taken things for granted, as we go through live, everything seemed to be perfect. We rise in the morning together with the rising sun.

Then throughout the day when the sun gives light and heat, all living things will do what they have been created to do. We tend to forget that it is God who had put all things in His creation to work in synergy. This is exactly what Solomon said, …’everything that God does endures forever, nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.’ Our God is the awesome and perfect God.

No other being can replicate or do what He has done. There is no other god or power that can duplicate what God had done. This is the revelation that Solomon gave to all generations. We must give thanks to God for all these things that He had given to us for our needs and enjoyment. Let us not forget about God as we continue to live in His creation.

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