Friday 17 February 2017

Daily Devotions 17th Feb 2017

John 8: 32
And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth and the light and no one come to the Father but by me.’ The world is seeking for the truth of life and it is turning to different ideologies trying to seek the truth.

Where I am at this city, I saw the advertisement by a Christian cult which puts up their scriptures on the TV popular programs enticing the people to read the scriptures of their cult and to experience their teachings.

There is also another cult which is also very hard working; they have stands, manned by their faithful workers beside the train and bus stations where they hand out literature on their teachings. They claim to be another denomination of the Christian faith but we know them to be cults for a long time.

Yet I also see that there are some in the west who run after Asian mysticism such as Yoga, other Indian religions and practices, some also run after Buddhism, meditation, etc. The sad thing is that a good number of these were former Christians or who come from Christian homes.

Then the latest shock is that many Christians have also run after the radical IS terrorists. Some have joined these and some girls are offering themselves as wives and sex slaves to these terrorists. They do that thinking that their ideology is something exciting and worthy not knowing that their ideology is totally demonic.

In the world today the people continue to rebel against God as they had thousands of years ago. The god of this world, Satan has blinded their eyes and mind and have cause them to believe in lies and deception instead of the gospel. They have fallen into the trap of the devil and are completely disillusioned by the devil’s teachings. They have deserted the truth and have become captives of the devil and are deeply in bondage.

Jesus came to set the captives free, He saw that all men are under the bondage of lies and therefore He came to bring the truth of the Gospel and He declared in John 8: 32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Therefore it is important that every believer in Jesus Christ must study the word and be strong in the word so that they can put on the full armour of God and stand against all the wiles of the devil that is thrown against us.

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