Sunday 5 February 2017

Devotional thoughts 5th Feb 2017

Psalm 19: 1

The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

A couple of months ago I visited the gardens and were amazed by the array of colour explosion that the spring blooms displayed. There were flowers which I have never seen before, I mean they were really exotic and the beauty of the shape, size and colour of the petals blew my mind.

As I examined the shape and form of each new flower I came across, it was truly amazing what details God had put into for every single variety of flowers that He created. God is a perfect God, there is no error in His work up to the minutes details of each of His creation.

The psalmist declares about the works of God’s hands in verse 3-4 ‘they have no speech, they use no words; no sound from them, yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.’ We know that the whole earth is created by God, every corner of the earth with its diversity from deserts to the frozen land masses of the north and south poles are created by God.

From the east to the west and from the north to the south, the creation is varied and diversified and yet they blend and complement each other, their splendour and glory speak of the perfect creative work of God. The psalmist says that even the skies proclaim the works of God’s hands.

God alone can do such mighty works, there is no other who can. Staring from the dawn of time till the closing of the future, there is no other who can create and sustain all these.

God is above all other gods, He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Only God alone can do all these glorious and wonderful works.

He spoke and by His creative power all things came into existence. He spoke and the heavens were made and are continually being made. He spoke and the waters and the earth separated, there is dry land and there are oceans.

He made the great lights and He made the sun govern the day and the moon and stars govern the night.

These speak of the perfect balance and plan of the Almighty. What a powerful and awesome God we serve. 

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