Monday 27 February 2017

John 3: 20
Everyone who does evil hates the light.

The gospel in John emphasizes that there are only two choices for men that is, one that is evil and leads to eternal judgement in Hell or secondly it is salvation which leads to eternal life. What we do and how we live on earth will determine which destiny we will be headed to.

In this chapter John said in 3;18 He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

In the earlier verse John said that ‘God did not send His Son to the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.’ This was the plan of God, He already knew that the judgement He passed on Adam at the Garden of Eden still stands and all men who sin (and every man is a sinner) shall be condemned into eternal judgment in Hell.

Therefore to save men, God send His son to the earth for the specific purpose of saving mankind and not to condemn it. Jesus is the light of the world and anyone who comes to Him come to the Light. Anyone who turns away from Jesus turns away from the light and turns towards darkness.

This is what John says in John 3: 20 ‘Everyone who does evil hates the light’. It can also be rephrased as anyone who does evil hates Jesus. We can see the behavior of the people in the world today, all believers in Jesus Christ truly love Him and all who do not believe in Jesus Christ hate Him and also His believers.

That is the reason we see so much Christian persecution going on around the world. In many Antichrist countries, Christians are being killed daily and pastors and leaders are also being kidnapped and tortured and finally martyred. This is an ongoing phenomenon even today.

Looking around the world, churches and church leaders must teach and remind the believers of the challenges ahead that the believers will face. The day will come when everyone of them would be challenged for their faith.

Today I read in the news that more and more of the western Christian countries are being targeted by the Antichrist believers to turn them into Antichrist ideology countries. Sadly I just saw that the senior pastor of a big church in the USA has changed his name to that of one of the Antichrist ideological names.

Apostasy is coming and as Jesus had prophesied, there will be a great falling away from the Christian faith in these last days.  Be strong, be courageous and be faithful until we receive the crown from Jesus.

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