Saturday 4 February 2017

Devotional thoughts 4th Feb 2017

I Thess 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

In giving this instruction to the Church, Paul did a series of command. Firstly it is to rejoice always in the Lord, secondly pray continually and thirdly to give thanks in all circumstances. Then he also reminds that we are not to do anything to quench the Holy Spirit.

The first command of rejoicing always in the Lord reminds us that under any circumstance be it in the morning, evening or night, whether favorable or unfavorable we should always rejoice in the Lord. Look at the examples of the apostles, even after they have been flogged and thrown into the dungeon they would be rejoicing. The scriptures tell us that they would be singing and worshiping God and rejoicing though their bodies were in great pain, they might even have gone without food.

Normally under such circumstances the normal person would be in pain and sorrow, this would have been the normal conditions of every one but not the apostles. Today we also read of accounts of believers having to go through the same treatment because they refuse to renounce Jesus Christ when asked by Antichrist people. They would be flogged as well and then also thrown into prisons but we see that they too rejoice in the Lord and God had heard and responded to them. Many of these were set free in response to answered prayers.

Secondly, they are to pray continuously and to give thanks in all circumstances. Troubles and persecutions are part of the price that believers are expected to pay. Again as in the early days and as in today, ministers of God who have met with opposition from Antichrist forces were never subdued but they would respond to persecution with prayers and thanksgiving. They have learned that no matter how what circumstances they may be in, God is with them and He knows what their needs are.
This is a clear reminder to us that we must not look at the circumstances around us but we must walk by faith rather than by sight.

We have the Holy Spirit in us who would guide and support us and would meet our needs at all times. A little while ago I just returned from a home fellowship and we prayed for the people. One brother was having a severe head ache for over a month and after we lay hands and prayed for him, his head ache left him instantly and he was able to enjoy the fellowship with the rest.

God is able and willing to see us through all challenges, all we need to do is to look to Him and ask Him to meet us at our point of need and He will. 

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