Saturday 18 February 2017

Daily Devotions 19th Feb 2017

Eph 2 :5By grace you have been saved.

I read today that in Nigeria a terrorist group has been systematically killing hundreds of thousands of Christians in their attempt to remove Christianity from the country. Similarly the persecution of Christians in other parts of the world is also intensified. Many hundreds of thousands of Christians in the ongoing war zone of the Middle East countries have become martyrs for the Lord.

Just last week a pastor was abducted along a busy highway by men in ski masks travelling in three SUVs in broad daylight where traffic was heavy. Security cameras in the surrounding houses had captured the whole episode of the criminal abduction. At the time of writing no one knows where the abducted pastor is, there has been no contact and no ransom demanded.
From past events, there was also a similar case of abduction of a senior civil servant and sadly he was found murdered. This is the pattern of challenge that the people of God face in the present spread of the work of the Antichrist world-wide.

Just in the US there is a concerted effort of the Antichrist leaders and followers who are actively sabotaging the elected President and his government. This lawlessness is funded by billionaires who want to bring in the new world Order.

The bible tells us that lawlessness will increase in the last days that we are in. Our safety, our faith will be challenged and threatened. This is not a surprise as this has been going on since the times of the early Church and throughout Church history the people of God have all been experiencing persecution.

However we must not be worried or concerned because God knows all these beforehand and He assures us that His grace is sufficient for us to overcome or endure all these. We have been saved by grace and His grace will see us through.

This morning while in Church, I heard personal testimonies of how God has answered the cries of His people. He has lifted them from their difficult situations. Our God is alive and the same yesterday, today and forever, this is the God whom we serve and this is the God whose grace is able to see us through all challenges and dangers.

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