Thursday 16 February 2017

Daily Devotions 16.Feb.2017

John 9: 25

One thing I do know: I was blind but now I see!

This was the statement by the blind man who was healed by Jesus when the Pharisees and temple leaders questioned him about his healing. These spiritual leaders were against Jesus and made all kinds of accusations and denial for the healing of the man who was blind. They accused the poor man of all kinds of false accusation about hiss blindness.

Finally all he could do was to speak the truth when he said; ‘One thing I do know: I was blind but now I see.’ A blind man cannot see a single thing, everything would be dark, and he would not be able to see any light and sight and movement. He can sense that there are people and things around him, he sense the sound and movements but he would not see them.

I have seen quite a number of blind people in the city as I move around, some of them have developed a high sense of independence, they can cross the road at traffic lights, and they can board trams, trains and buses. They can remember where the shops and restaurants are and they can get around.

In spite of all these, they are still handicapped with their blindness. They cannot see the beauty around them, they can hear and smell but they cannot see. We remember the story of five blink men who were lead to an elephant and they touched different parts of the elephant. From their touch they perceive what an elephant is and each gave a different picture of what they think an elephant looks like.

In the world the people who do not know Jesus and the Father God, they are living in spiritual blindness. They do not know who God is and what he is like. This morning I met a young man who came and collected something from the house and in the process I asked him whether he is a Christian. He came from the South Pacific Islands which are all 100% Christian nations but he was not taught and brought up in the Christian faith.

We do not know if it was the church or the family that did not reach out and give the teaching but the end result is that there are many in the world from Christian nations, Christian homes and society who still do not know Jesus. They have not heard of the Gospel, they have not heard the word of God and do not know the promises of God.

They have no knowledge of God’s love and promises given in the scriptures and therefore they are still spiritually blind. These are people lost and under the bondage of the devil. Their lives are controlled by the devil and they have no chance to receive salvation. This is why there are millions of people in the world who are without Christ are being used by Satan to create trouble in the world.

They persecute Christian pastors/leaders and the persecute Christians in their Antichrist nations. Their master the devil is in control of their lives and is using them to conquer the world through invasion as refugees into western countries and then they begin to spread their ideology. Today many western cities are in turmoil and lawlessness.

Soon it will continue to spread to many more countries. This lawlessness will continue to spread and will lead to the coming tribulation soon. The time is getting shorter and we the church must continue to bring the light to the world and to healed the world of its spiritual blindness.

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