Sunday 12 February 2017

Daily Devotions 13th Feb 2017

John 20: 25

Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.

The English has a saying, ‘seeing is believing’ this tells us that most people are very pragmatic. They want to have solid proof before they will believe or accept certain truths. The present form of education where emphasis is on critical thinking and questioning, has caused many to have doubts on things of the Spirit.

It is often that when the Gospel is shared, many cannot accept the gospel of Salvation because they cannot rationalize the plan of Salvation that God had given to us. Then again when this doubt has been overcome there is yet another hurdle which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The mode of teaching in higher institute of learning has emphasized on philosophical thinking.

This kind of teaching tends to make a person consider himself to be wise and he will not accept things that he cannot analyse or reason out. In everything he will try and find an excuse or a reason that would disprove the ‘thought’ that is taught. They will pride themselves out of the belief that there is a God and He will real and living through us.

They will not be able to remove this doubt of the person of the Holy Spirit and His work. Therefore we can see that many of the well-educated who pride themselves as great thinkers and leaders will find that they cannot accept the Holy Spirit’s baptism. It is only when they have repented and renounce this unbelieve that they would be able to receive the baptism.
There are many doubting Thomas’s in our Christian Church today especially among the traditional Churches where many man made regulations are in place. These who quench the Holy Spirit and their Churches are dry and unproductive.

These Churches will be without power and they will remain as a reserved and dry Church. However those Churches who believe in and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they move in the grace and anointing of the HS, these will flourish and will grow exponentially.

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