Friday 3 February 2017

Devotional thoughts 3.2.2017

Gen 16: 13

I have now seen the One who sees me.

This was a statement that Hagar proclaimed when she ran away from her mistress Sarai when she was badly treated by Sarai. She ran into  the desert to hide but the Lord saw her and spoke with her promising that He would make a great nation out of the son that she was to bear for Abraham.

Hagar was comforted and she obeyed and returned back to her mistress and after that encounter she made this proclamation that God has seen her and she said; ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’

Just as Hagar was seen by the Lord and also her cry was heard by the Lord, we too are assured that our God is the same today. His eyes are going to and from watching out for His children, keeping an eye on them and keeping them safe. His ears are also inclined to hear the cries for help from His children.

We have many reports of how God still cares for and protect His children in many instances where there were dangers like severe accidents happening but the children of God were totally protected and were not harmed. Other reports are that there were angels who are at the scene protecting and helping the believers.

Other examples are when the believers cry out to God to protect them from dangers in persecuted countries where the anti-Christian authorities were going all out to arrest and persecute the believers. God had sent His angels to supernaturally blind the eyes of the government officials who came looking for the believers. God had made the congregation become invisible to the eyes of the government officials.

This is the portion of the believers, just as God had looked after His people in the times past; He still continues to look after us in this present time.
We also know that we are soon entering into the tribulation period and many believers would be challenged to keep their faith even with the threat of losing their lives. The bible is clear that the Church would have to go through the tribulation and many would be affected. However, no matter what would happen, we must not turn away from God and renounce Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Only then can we be assured of receiving our rewards in heaven. God has prepared a certain number of martyrs for himself. Rev 6: 9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had  been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.

These are the tribulation saints who have become martyrs for God. But they are now in heaven waiting for the rest of the martyrs to join them.

Rev 6: 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters were killed just as they had been.

This is already pre-planned by God, we know the end from the beginning and we know where we are going. So like Hagar we must look to God and obey Him when the time comes.  

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