Wednesday 26 July 2017

2 Samuel 22: 17

He reached down from on high and took hold of me.

This was the praise that David gave to God in his prayers for delivering them from grave danger and death. He likens it to being saved at the last moment form deep waters which threaten their lives. If we can imagine someone who has fallen into the raging torrents of a strong river that is roaring with flood water, there is great danger of drowning and very little chance of the person ever getting out of the danger without help.

This was the parallel that David gave about God’s mercy of saving him and his soldiers. The enemies were all around them and they were outnumbered and faced certain defeat and certain death. Time and time again David had called out to God when there were in grave danger and God had heard his cries and saved them over and over.

Now in the later years of his life, David is recalling all the occasions when God had delivered him. There was much gratitude in David as he sat and meditates on his walk with God.  

In today’s verse, we read of how God had send David guards to come to his side and protected him as a Philistine soldier came close to David and was about to kill him. David’s bodyguards came and killed the Philistine and saved him from death. Then they said to David, “Never again will you go out with us to battle, so that the lamp of Israel will not be extinguished.”

God had been faithful to David and had used his body guards to protect him and after that, David praise God for his safety by declaring; “He reached down from on high and took hold of me”

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