Thursday 20 July 2017

Eccl 3: 1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

King Solomon in his wisdom wrote the book of Ecclesiastes and he described the conditions of our lives. In the opening verses he described every activity under the heavens. He pointed out all the activities and a series of opposites describing how there is a time for everything.

In the first verse he said, ‘a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plan and a time to uproot.’ King Solomon saw the frailty of man and how helpless men are on the earth. Every and all things are in the control of God’s plans and purpose. There is nothing that we can do to change it. King Solomon could see that there are cycles in life and there are fixed times for changes.

However, he acknowledged that God is in every change and He is in control. All these are the works of God and everything that God does will endure forever.

As we look around us, many of us are in the sunset years of our lives and we can remember the days when we were little children, the games that we played, the friends we had and all of a sudden we are already old and have families and some of our friends are also no longer with us.

The times and seasons fly  so quickly and before we realized it, we have live a full life and are ready to return to our heavenly home. The one thing we need to remember is that we must consciously put our lives in order so that we may be ever ready to go into our destiny.

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