Friday 7 July 2017

Phipp 3:8

I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Paul is writing in his personal capacity of the transformation in his life after he has received salvation and the assurance of the inheritance of heaven. He says that he was ever willing to lose everything in exchange for the salvation of Jesus Christ.

What was the cost for Paul when he decided to make this change? He was born into a family of high standing in the community when he confessed that he was a Pharisee of all Pharisee, perfect in all ways according to the Mosaic Law. He explains that he was born into a well-respected pharisaic family, from the tribe of Benjamin and educated in all the law and fully observant of it.

He obeyed the law to the letter and would be seen to be perfect in terms of the standards and practice of the Pharisees. He was meticulous in following and observing all the rigid practice of the law. He was also zealous in protecting it by coming against everyone who does not observe the law and in this case he was fully against the Christians who followed Christ.

All these came to an end when Jesus appeared to him personally and convicted him of his sins and called him into the ministry of the gospel. Now that he has found the truth and the power of the gospel, Paul has given up everything related to his past. He has forsaken family, property, position and fame. Now he is a full time apostle of Jesus Christ, emptied of all material wealth and position and power.

He is now the called and chosen one of God as the apostle to the gentiles and he writes to declare that he is now a happy and free man from all worldly bondages and he is happy to exchange all the world for the salvation in Jesus Christ.

Paul also tells us that this must also be our priority, to secure and ensure our salvation and position in Jesus rather than running after worldly positions and recognition. Looking at the world and also those who are in it, we see the bondages of the lure of fame and position that so many are in bondage of. For these the positions and powers of the world is all that they are craving for and they have forgotten all about God and the kingdom of heaven.

Unfortunately we also see many believers who have grown cold and have also back slidden away from Jesus Christ.

Let’s be reminded of what Paul is instructing us here. Let us turn our eyes upon the eternal and turn away from the perishable.

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