Monday 17 July 2017

Luke 24: 45
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.

This was an occasion when Jesus having resurrected met with His disciples who were sad and afraid. They could not recognize Jesus at first until they went back to their home where they gathered. While they are there, Jesus then showed them His hands and His feet which bore the holes where the nails went through.

Immediately their spiritual eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Jesus then further gave them understanding as he shared about the prophecies in the Old Testament pertaining to His coming and crucifixion. According to the prophecies through the prophets of God, Jesus must bear the stripes of persecution for us, He had to die a painful death on the cross.

All these were part of the redemptive plans of God in that when Jesus was whipped and scourged, the 39 nine stripes that He bore healed us of all our diseases. There are 39 root causes of all sickness and diseases in man and when Jesus bore the 39 stripes, He bore our sicknesses and diseases and granted to us the healing for each of them.

Then when he was pierced on the cross, the blood and water that came out of His side washed away all our sins. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was the price that was paid for the redemption of all our sins. When He resurrected on the 3rd day, Jesus defeated death and became alive again. By doing that He died for all sinners once and for all and now we are free from the condemnation of eternal death, we are now alive through Him.

Jesus not only opened the spiritual eyes of the apostles, He gave them understanding of the scriptures and also the revelation of the doctrine of salvation. It is because of this revelation that the apostles could then travel all over the civilised world at that time and evangelized the whole world.

Thank God that Jesus completed His plan of salvation and gave spiritual knowledge to the apostles, now we can learn from them and also teach others in turn.

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