Monday 10 July 2017

Psalm 100: 1
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. 

This is a psalm of praise which exalts all nations on the earth to praise the Lord. In the next verse the psalmist writes; ‘Be joyful and sing as you come in to worship the LORD!’ Then he says, you know the reason why you need to worship because ‘You know the LORD is God!’

The psalmist makes a strong appeal for men to worship God, this is not because God need our worship but instead we need to understand that we have been created to worship Him. All men have been appointed to worship God. We are reminded in verse 2 Be joyful and sing as you come in to worship the LORD! This applies whether we worship Him in pubic or in the privacy of our home. In fact each time we worship, that is a privilege as His children and we must come with joy in our hearts as we prepare to worship Him.

This psalm is a short one but in just the few verses, we are reminded that this is our duty as believers. Therefore each time we come before the Lord in worship, we are to give thanks and praise His Name. Why is this so, in verse 5 the psalmist explains. “For the Lord is good and his live endures forever.”

Therefore each day we must remember that and we must be thankful in our hearts as we worship God.

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