Sunday 23 July 2017

Roms 13: 14

Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul wrote to the believers in Rome that they must not be like the other people in Rome who are seen with their clothing of fine linen which will so off their wealth and social status. Just as how people would recognize a person of good social status through their dressing, Paul is also reminding us that we must also present ourselves as believers in Jesus Christ who are unlike the people in society.

Paul said that we are to clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that we have to demonstrate the characteristics of Jesus Christ in us so that the people can differentiate us from the unbelievers. We are now children of God, in Gal 3: 26 ‘For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.’

Each day when we dress and go into the marketplace, we would be seen in our business suits or working clothes. This set us apart for who we are in the community but we have another identity which is that we are children of God. How do we present ourselves to the world that do not know Jesus and who do not know the scriptures.

They would look at us and see whether we are different from them, whether we walk our talk. Do we practice what we preach? Therefore it is important that we must desire to be closer to Jesus through the study of the word, through praying in the Spirit and spending more time with our fellow brothers and sisters to encourage and build each other.

Paul further reminded us on this in Roms 13: 12.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Paul here is reminding us that our time on earth is spent and we may soon move on in our lives, therefore in all urgency we must put off all the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light which is walking in righteousness and holiness.

We need to live like Jesus, behave like Jesus, and talk like Jesus, love like Jesus. Jesus has commanded that we must love each other so that the people in the world will know who we are. Others must see Jesus in our lives, when they see us, they would not see the old wretched man but they will see a renewed man having the full image of Christ in us.

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