Monday 3 July 2017

Joshua 7: 12

I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.

This is the occasion where God had exposed the sins of Achan who had stolen and hidden some of the treasures from Jericho in his tent. God had specifically instructed Joshua to order that nothing of the enemy must be taken. All material things that have been align with idol worship must be destroyed.

We are not to crave for the gold or the silver that these items are made of. No matter how much value is attached to the items, they are all abominations to God and anyone harbouring them bring and abomination to their home. In the case of Achan because he sinned by hiding some of the articles in his tent, he brought the full judgement of God upon the whole nation and God told Joshua that until the one who had committed the sin is punished, the whole nation would suffer.

This is a lesson for us that we must not crave after unholy wealth. We must not be consumed with the greed of worldly wealth and compromise with our relationship with our God. When this happens then we will find ourselves being separated from God.

It is very clear in today’s verse that when we choose the items that belong to idol worship then the presence of God will be lifted from us and we will be abandoned by Him to our destruction. This is a strong lesson to us as I have seen how people were held under the bondage of demonic possession when they do not let go of all the idolatrous possessions.

In my experience of spiritual warfare, some of the victims could not be delivered until all idolatrous items in their possessions are destroyed and only then could their ties with the demonic be cut free.

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