Wednesday 26 July 2017

Psalm 37: 25

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

In this psalm David has already grown old and have gone through the whole journey of life, starting as a young shepherd boy rising up to become a general in king Saul’s army and then ascending the throne after king Saul had died.

Through this period David had experienced good times as well as bad, he had experienced being celebrated by the people and he had experienced being rejected by the people. He had seen and gone through both sides of the pendulum. In this psalm David reflects upon the contrast in life, there are the righteous and the wicked, there are those who put their trust in God and walk according to His law and there are those who are evil and lawless.

In this connection David wrote in verse 22-24 : “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one wh delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

In today’s verse, David said; “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” Each and every one of us as we grow must become more matured and knowledgeable. We need to grow up and be more wise and considerate in our ways.

Some of us are already past the three score and ten years that God had ordained for men to live, literally we are already in our bonus years. Recently a former classmate decided to start searching for those whom he can connect with and I was blessed in meeting up with him as he travelled thousands of miles to where I am as he came to visit one of his family members.

It was a blessed and humbling time when after 59 years, we met again as old men and we could hardly recognize each other except that we communicated beforehand. Imagine the last we were together we were only in our early teens and now we are like David who had gone through the whole of life’s journey and we are in our sunset years.

We do not know whether we would meet again or how long more we would be around but the lesson that David tells us here is that as we live righteously God’s grace and blessing will be upon us and our children and grandchildren. The promises of God are that He blesses the righteous for a thousand generations. We should be mindful of this and be responsible to ensure that God’s blessings will pour upon our future generations and to do that we must continue to live holy and righteous lives.

As for David, scriptures records that indeed many great men was descended from him including the Son of God in the flesh. Jesus came from the lineage of David. Let us also pray that God will bless our future linage as well.

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