Sunday 30 July 2017

Psalm 145: 13

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.

The kingdom of God has endured through times and culture. It started off over 2000 years ago during the times of the Roman civilisation and it has evolved over these years and generations upon generations. Christianity has also been brought to the whole world to different nationalities, culture and languages.

The practices of worship do differ from place to place and culture to culture. We have seen how the people in different countries worship according to that their cultural practises. In the Middle East, the arabs have their own preferred style, in the continent of India, the believers also have their own culture and style incorporating the use of indigenous musical instruments and songs.

This is also true as Christianity and worship of our God is spread out even through the tropical jungles of the world. We see the traditional warriors in the world coming out of their respective past cultures of animistic religion and now having receiving Jesus Christ as their Saviour have developed their own form and style of worship.

We are familiar with these as we travel into the mission field of different countries and culture, we truly praise God that though they are all different and diverse but yet they have a common belief which is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Each national and cultural group worship the one and only true God and they turn to Him only. In their diversity we see the unity in that they only worship Jesus and they ensure that they remain faithful even throughout many generations. In fact we can see that irrespective of their nationality, wealth or education every tribe and tongue and people worship Jesus Christ and God the Father as one. They are indeed united in this and have inculcated it into their culture which has been passed on from generation to generation.

Praise God that whenever we get the opportunity to meet, we are able to accept and receive each other as one in the universal family of Jesus Christ.

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