Monday 17 July 2017

John 5: 19
The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

This reminds us of the truth that all fathers will show and teach their children skills and duties. Growing up our parents have taught us various skills, some who lived in the country side learned farming skills, others learned hunting skills, yet others learned fishing or building skills depending on what background the families come from.

If there were a warring community, then the fathers will teach their children the skills of warriors, I have seen in different culture with warring environments teaching both their sons and daughters the skills and art of war. This was because of necessity for safety and survival.

In the case of Jesus Christ, His ministry was the redemption of the sinning man. This was the plan and purpose of God to save all men from destruction because of the curse of sin. God had His perfect plan and it was worked out in fullest details and He revealed it to His Son, Jesus progressively.

That’s why Jesus said He do only what He sees His Father doing. Jesus reveals to us that God in heaven is also bust at work, He is putting into operation His plans for men’s salvation and He sends out His Son and also ministering angels and human prophets to the world of sinners to redeem them.

This work has been going on forever because as men are born into the world, all of them need salvation and therefore this work of the Gospel is moving on. It cannot be stopped or the Gospel cannot reach out to the world of sinners and the sinners would not be saved.

Therefore as Jesus came to do what He saw His Father in heaven does, now we who have been called into His kingdom must take up the baton and continue on the race to save souls. Many are falling into the pits of hell, they are waiting and they need to hear the Gospel. We need to do the work of the Father so that His plan of salvation can be fulfilled.

Are we able to hear and see what God has planned for us?

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