Monday 10 July 2017

Hebrews 11: 4
By faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead. 

This verse was written by the author of Hebrews for we read in Genesis that God told Cain, “Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” This is a mystery but the bible tells us that our life is in our blood. Perhaps the life of Abel had not been totally drained from the blood of Abel as he was freshly murdered by his brother.

This verse is meant to care about justice and about righting wrongs and about defending the powerless. It also reminds us that no one can get away from their crime and sin because God will find out and He will require the sinner to answer for His sin as Cain was.

It is in the nature of man to sin and it is also in our nature to try and hide our sin. The first man and woman did the same, they tried to hide their sin from God but He already knew. In the same manner all men too will try and hide their sins, we may be successful in hiding it from other men but God is omniscience and He knows all sin whether hidden or not.

Just like Ananias and Sapphira, who tried to hide their sin of cheating the Holy Spirit, their sin was revealed to Peter and they paid the ultimate price for sinning and hiding the sins from God.

Throughout the bible, we also learn that God is knows all things and He sees all things that may be hidden to man but will never be hidden from God. Like king David, when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, he thought he could also hid his sin but God knew all of his actions and called them out.

Therefore we are reminded and warned that we can never hide our sins from God, even when we do He can reveal them when He wants to. The lesson here is that we must never sin against God and men knowing that we can never hide it from God.

Let us not walk in sin but let us walk in holiness and the righteousness of Jesus Christ. 

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