Sunday 23 July 2017

Matt 5: 16

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

God has different people doing different things, not all are in the front line or pulpit ministries. Some are in prayer and intercession and these people would not be seen in the foreground, they would be unseen in the background but their ministries are important as well. Then there are also others who are those in the back giving supportive work like props and audio and media ministries.

These days, every church is equipped with technical equipment unlike many years ago. Therefore there are also those who are technically skilled, very essential but hardly seen. The key is that the ront line ministries would not be able to function well without all these support ministries, for example the praise and worship ministry would not be able to produce the worship without the sound system.

Then there are also those in hospitality that needs to look after new visitors and new converts. Again these are seldom seen or heard of but they are also very essential to the Church ministry. Therefore when we are in ministry, we do not need to always identify with the front line work, though they may look glamorous but they are not the most important.

Some of the others are equally important like the ushers who makes the first contacts with the visitors, their warm smile and encouraging words would make the visitors fell welcome and valued.

All ministries work together to bring glory to God, even those who serve in hospitality in the kitchen or pantry, they are equally important for without them many things would come to a standstill.

Therefore Paul is saying that there are many ministries and calling in the Church and no matter what our calling may be, let us then do what we are called to do diligently. Let us do it well and not grudgingly but with a cheerful heart. This way not only do we encourage our brethren but others outside would see the love that we have with each other.

This would be a great testimony and would be a witness for the love of Christ in us.

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