Friday 14 July 2017

Psalms 139 : 2

You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

When David wrote this psalm he was in the midst of his problems and suffering as he had to keep running and escaping from those who hunted him. He acknowledged that though God is far above in the heavens yet he knew that God’s eyes is still upon him. David confessed that God knew where he was, what he did and even know his very thoughts.

David had such an intimate relationship with God that they knew each other well. David knew God in a personal way and God also knew him the same. This is a mystery that David understood because of his daily interaction. Like Moses who also knew God and was able to daily interact with God, the scriptures tell us that God treated Moses as a friend and would talk to him as a person to another.

From the psalms and other scriptures, we are truly amazed to learn of the love and relationship that man can develop with the Almighty. We also are reminded that it was for the purpose of fellowship that God first created man so that He could bless man and have a meaningful relationship with man.

This original intention of God has not changed, though man has drawn away from God because of his sins and transgressions, God had not forsaken man. In fact God was indeed saddened when men sinned and move away from Him. He has made a way for man to come back to Him through the way that His Son, Jesus Christ had opened for all men to come back to Him.

Jesus clearly told us that He is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father but through Him. Man on his own cannot come back to the Father as he is covered in sin but through the blood of Jesus Christ we can then be accepted back into the position of son ship and become joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

As sons of God, we can now regain our position like David and Moses and all the other saints of old, we can now call out to Gog our Father and be assured that He hears and would answer our cries to Him. Therefore as we see the signs of the end times, let us now come back to Him.

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