Sunday 23 July 2017

Eph 3: 6

This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.

Paul describes the mysteries that through the gospel we become joint heirs with Israel to the kingdom of God. This is true for in the church wherever we go and whoever we meet we get the affinity with our fellow believers which transcend language, culture and social limitations.

For us who have been to pilgrimage in the Holy Land, the first thing that the guide will greet us is ‘welcome home’ to Israel. There is so much of love and care for each other though we have not met before and we still do not know each other.

The same is true when we go to the mission fields whether it’s high up in the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal, or whether it is in the jungle villages where the native churches are, the acceptance and love that we experience is indescribable.
This is the working of the love that God has put into us that we naturally love and accept one another. There is no longer and barriers of position and status when brothers and sister in Christ meet.

Paul is telling us that what we experience here on earth is only a foreshadow of what we can expect in heaven. When we get to heaven which is our final destiny and home, all tongues and all people will be one and in unity worshipping the almighty. There will be no more division, jealousy, segregation and discrepancies.

Jesus revealed to us this truth when He taught on Lazarus the beggar who sat at the gate of the rich man and when Lazarus died, he went to heaven and was with God. In heaven all of us will inherit a new garment of righteousness, our filthy rags would be removed just as Joshua was given a new garment by the angel.

Yes when we get to heaven, Satan cannot accuse us anymore; he has no more authority and influence over us. We will be victorious and we will be in the presence of Jesus Christ and God the Father together with all the citizens of heaven.

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