Friday 26 May 2017

1 Chron 28: 20Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

God’s word is that He will not fail you or forsake you. Why does He say that? God knows that in life, we would have many transitions. As we start life as a child we would go to school and that would be such a great challenge for us. There would be many new and unfamiliar things and people that we would encounter. It would be the first time that we step out of our security of home into the world.

As we grow older and we move into transition from one stage of life to another, then there would be new challenges from time to time. Nothing is foreseeable and predictable and these challenges may become huge stumbling blocks or hurdles for us to overcome.

In adult hood, there would be even greater challenges as we have to face new challenges in our adult lives. Some of us may face even life threatening situations like what we see around us these few days. There have been massacres of Christians in Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt and even in England by the terrorists. We know that these are the children of the enemy who uses them to inflict death and suffering upon the children of God.

The scriptures have forewarned us of this as in the last days, it would be perilous times and there would be dangers around us that are hidden and may be upon us without any warning. Life in these dangerous days will continue to be challenging and would transition into the days of the coming tribulation as prophesied in the last days.

Many would be martyred as we are already seeing all over the world. This would continue to increase and spread to many countries in the world. However, no matter where we are and what we would face, God’s words to us is that we are not to be afraid or discouraged. We know that just like the Christians in the first century where they were persecuted and martyred, all of them were rejoicing in the confidence of their reward in heaven and the crown of Glory that would be given to each one as they remain steadfast to God till death.

Likewise, we today must be assured that if we are called to pay the ultimate price of martyrdom, we must be ready and welcome it just as our brethren in the early Church accepted their calling as martyrs.

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