Friday 5 May 2017

2 Cor 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

When Paul wrote..’we all,’ this means that every believer is included. It is not only referring to the full time workers in ministry but also to everyone in the body of Christ. In the eyes of God there are neither full time, part time nor just ordinary believers. All stand equal before the Lord as equal on the Day of Judgement.

Jesus gave this truth in the story of Lazarus the beggar and the rich man. When both of them had died, Lazarus was taken up to heaven and he inherited the kingdom of heaven. He was enjoying the company of Abraham and all the saints who have gone on before.

As for the rich man he went straight to hell, not because of his evil deeds alone but because he also did not know God. He had too much of attention from men and his concern was all about earthly assets and pleasures of life. This is the trap of the devil who also can give blessings to those who worship him. Such people would be like the rich man who’s live is bound in the snares of the devil.

They do not have any time for God or for the meditation of the scriptures. Their whole focus is on worldly and materialism.

Paul in this verse tells us the opposite, we must forget about running after all the worldly materialism but we need to spend time to do the work of the kingdom. We need to bring the message of salvation to the world especially when we see that world events are confirming that we are indeed in the last days.

Looking at all the political leaders in the world, they are drunk with power and are fully corrupted with the wealth of this earth. Their hearts are seared and they have the hearts of stone. They commit all sorts of evil in their pursuit of wealth and power. They commit the most heinous crimes that are imaginable.

They cause such pains and troubles to all those around them. But Paul is teaching us that we must never be like the world. Paul calls us to be the living testimonies of the glory of God, we need to manifest His love, His mercies and also His purpose for the lives of all men who are lost.

In the Middle East today, many anti-Christian persecutors are turning to Jesus Christ. These are those who have killed and persecuted many of our brethren in their countries but because of the love of God, Jesus Christ has been appearing to them in dreams and visions and thousands of anti-Christian persecutors are now giving their lives to Jesus.

This is a miracle that is inexplainable except that it is the work of God. Those of us who are in more blessed countries where we can still openly share the Gospel, we need to rise up to what Paul is calling us to do. Let us reflect the glory of God in our lives, our words and deeds. Let us also be the proof of what we believe in so that the non-believers will see Jesus Christ in our lives and in turn they will give their live to our Lord and Saviour.
This is what Jesus has commanded us to do. Let’s Do It.

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