Wednesday 10 May 2017

Joshua 1:9The lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, they had to journey through unknown territories. Imagine that the Israelites have been staying within the safe boundary of Egypt all their lives and now Moses has led them into the wilderness which is harsh and dangerous.

Not only are they journeying across the desert which is hot and without water, there were many dangerous wild animals and also warring enemies that came and attacked them. The Israelites were slaves before and now they are required to become warriors defending themselves as well as having to attack and defeat the enemies.

Now Moses has been taken and hidden by God and Joshua is left to lead the Israelites. It would have been a very challenging task for Joshua as he suddenly found himself leading over 2 million of his people. Joshua has been through all the challenges with Moses, he had also fought all the wars alongside Moses.

Now to obey God’s instruction to take the people into the Promised Land is indeed something that is above Joshua. Now we see God assuring him that ‘God will indeed be with him’ as they obey and follow His directions. God promised Joshua that wherever he may go, God will surely be with him.
What a great assurance that Joshua had received. There are no nations or dangers that are greater than the Almighty God. This is the assurance that Joshua was given.

Our God who led Moses and the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years is the same. Today in Israel where the soldiers are also facing the same harsh conditions and also the same hostile enemies, we continue to see that God is still protecting His people against their enemies.

Our God never changes, His promise to Joshua was not only for him at that time but it is also for all the Israelites until today. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

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