Monday 8 May 2017

Psalm 90: 12

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

This is a reminder that our days on earth are short. God had designated that man should live up to 70 years and if we are healthy and blessed by God then we can live for another ten to twenty years.

In sum the years that we spend on earth are very short as compared to eternity when we leave this earth. Eternity is a very long time, in fact it is immeasurable and it means forever and ever.

I belong to a FaceBook group of our old alma mater and we are trying to reconnect with some of our child hood friends. Some of my friends have been able to keep their school class photos for over 60 years and I connected with a former classmate from secondary three class. We are both over seventy now but unfortunately some of our former classmate have left this earth.

Looking back 60 odd years seem like a short moment, we can still remember some of our old days where we were, what we did, who we were with. Now we are into our twilight years and soon we will also go on the way of our ancestors.

What is today’s passage telling us? Our days on this earth are short and therefore we have only a short window to live right with God. We have to align ourselves in His word, walk according to His teaching and be in His grace and mercies all the time. When the time comes for us to leave this temporary home, then we are ready to move over to spend eternity in the presence of our heavenly Father and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

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